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Veronica perfoliata

Veronica perfoliata

Regular price $12.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 NZD
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 Digger's speed well. An unusual and beautiful plant for a border or hard spots. An Australian native alpine plant. Low growing and multi stemmed from a woody root. Lovely rounded blue grey foliage a bit like a penny gum, (if you are familiar with these). It is one of those plants that looks really good anywhere and it will probably grow there too. Enjoy the blue/purple Veronica-looking flowers in Summer, in full bloom it’s very eye-catching. If it gets a bit woody it can be pruned to almost ground level after flowering. Tolerates frost and full sun to part shade (more flowers in the sun though).  Drought tolerant. 80cm tall and up to 100cm wide.  A lovely example of it is used in the Christchurch Botanical Gardens next to the main bridge. A bit tricky to propagate.

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