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Campanula pulla

Campanula pulla



Pulla means very dark. From the alps of Austria  this is an excellent alpine campanula. Slow to spread, not good in a pot. Prefers a little lime. Best to divide in spring to keep it going, some would say it can flower itself to death. A strong-growing, mat-forming perennial to 3cm, with spreading rhizomes, small, mid-green rounded, toothed leaves and deep purple-blue bell-shaped flowers in spring and early summer, only 10cm high  with flowers and a bit wider.  For those of you familiar with the campanulas on my site, I have pulled the wiki images and replaced with my own. I missed the prime flowering, but this is a wee gem best in sum pr part shade. moist but free draining. dies back in winter. Mark the spot so not to disturb it. Seed needs a winter chill, like most campanula so autumn sow or give a few weeks cold treatment.      


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